The Centre has been going for 48 years and has over 500 members. However, this year we had received no nominations for the key roles of Chairman and Secretary without whom the centre cannot continue. Under CAMC rules the committee took the decision to defer the AGM for 3 months and instead hold a Special General Meeting.
The SGM was held on Sunday 25th Sept and was an occasion for all centre members to talk about the future of the centre, and to suggest plans for its continuation.
A full report of the SGM will be published here in due course. Meanwhile we are still seeking nominations for committee members to continue running the centre. Elections for officers and committee will take place at the deferred AGM, details of which will be published soon. The AGM will take place no later than 24th November this year.
Please consider vounteering for the committee to keep us going: contact the Chariman to see how to get nominated. ( The nomination form and further information can be found on the “2024 AGM/SGM” page.
For more information about how we operate see the “About the Isle of Wight Centre” page.
And don’t forget to follow us on FaceBook: “CAMC IOW Centre”
IMPORTANT: Please make sure you have re-registered with the IW centre when you renew your CAMC membership. Registration is not automatic and has to be done each year.
Centre Newsletter
Our newsletter is published occasionally and you can be read or download the latest edition from the Newsletter page.
We publish any updates and news on our Facebook page ‘CAMC IOW Centre’, keep an eye on this web site and our facebook page for news.
The 2024 Rally book updated 20 April ’24: to download click on the double arrow in the top right corner:
If you have any ideas or feedback about the site please do get in touch with the Mike the webmaster by clicking here,